AN imovept podcast starring dr. michael gorman and dr. lauren bennett
We are excited to announce that iMove PT has started a podcast!! This will be available to our patients, their friends and family, and anyone out there that would like to hear what we have to say!iMove PT’s very own physical therapists, Dr. Michael Gorman and Dr. Lauren Bennett, will be hosting our new podcast, Healthy Habits for Active Aging.In the weekly episodes, we will focus on discussing a variety of health and fitness related topics to improve the quality of life for adults age 50+. It could be anything from helpful exercise progression tips to how to stay pain free out on the golf course. The possibilities are endless!Please be sure to check out our first episode that will be available for your listening pleasure today, Wednesday, August 10th, with new episodes available weekly!Spread the word so more people can take advantage of the knowledge, expertise, and fun that Dr. Gorman and Dr. Bennett, along with occasional special guests, will have to share.
You can find iMove PT’s Healthy Habits for Active Aging podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcast. Links are posted to the 'Spotify' and 'Apple' icons in the heading of this page. Feel free to email future podcast topic ideas to [email protected].
iMove PT
[email protected]